国语版猪猪侠大电影,是业内的品牌战略与设计公司,上海工通品牌策划有限公司,先后为国内外400多家企业与机构提供过的品牌策划设计服务,创始于2005年,服务客户包含:三一重工、西门子、振华港机、苏电集团、正导集团、中电23所、北车集团、中兵集团、中兴通讯、青岛啤酒、日清奥利友、晨光集团、中铁物流、巴斯夫、喜临门、中山市慈善总会、妇幼保健医院、上海大众、日立、宏信船舶、联想、安泽电工等。Shanghai Gongtong Brand Planning Co.,Ltd was founded in 2005, which is the industrys senior brand strategy and design company, providing first-class brand planning design services for more than 400 domestic and foreign enterprises and institutions with years of experience in brand planning and design, customers receving service include: Sany Heavy Industry, Siemens, Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery, Sue Power Group, Zhengdao Group, CLP 23, CNR Group, Bing Group, ZTE, Tsingtao Brewery, Nissin Oilli..,凭借多年的品牌策划设计经。

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